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Update Nov. 2010: Check out my new comic strip Mimi & Eunice!

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Other locations online:

See the Sita Sites page for the complete, community-maintained list of where Sita Sings the Blues can be found online. Below is a sampling from that page:



  • BitTorrent sites change frequently, so please see the the wiki. (We maintain the list there, where the community can help keep it up-to-date.)


Screenings and Festivals:

The current screening list.

updated list

The best way to see Sita Sings the Blues is on a big screen, in a dark room, with other people!


DVDs are now available! Order yours today! Whatever country you're in, there's sure to be a gift-giving holiday coming soon, so don't delay.

The DVD has audience-created subtitles, a director's commentary track, and some bonus tracks.


WNET/NY Channel 13 Saturday March 7 at 10:45 pm

ask your local PBS station to broadcast it too! Tell them to get it from Richard Siegmeister at SiegmeisterR {at} wnet {dot} org

Sita Sings the Blues Merchandise Empire

Proceeds support the artistVisit Our Store!

Standard Edition DVD 50% of proceeds supports the artist50% Supports the Artist FilmKaravan's Sita DVD 25% of proceeds support the artist25% Supports the Artist Tshirt 100% of proceeds supports the artist100% Supports the Artist
Laxmi Phonograph

Creative Commons License
Sita Sings the Blues by Nina Paley is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

